Revenge.. whats your story?..

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Revenge.. whats your story?..

Post by sonnyd14a1 »

Bored and thought it might make a good topic.. What revenge have you done to people?

We all get worked up and angry when people pee us off but its the last laugh that counts.. Good things come to those who wait :lol:

Next door to me kept pulling onto the path and parking his motor bike outside my front window so he cud walk up his entry and open his gate, then come bk and ride his bike into the back.. we asked him not to cus it set my dog off barking everytime (like 3 times a day) he said sorry i cant park outside my house cus i havnt got the swing on my bike to get it around up the entry..
Soooo one day he parked up, went into his house.. i opened the window and placed a few drops of superglue on his seat :lol: but he never took his bike up the back.. he went off down the road.. 5 mins later he returns and parks outside his house, ha ha never parked outside mine since 8)

Guy up the road got me a fine for being parked illegally.. i was on the gutter and his mrs got dirty off a bush as she tried to walk past.. cost me £30.. so i thought lets make something cost him.. i through a house brick through his green house window.. but it didnt feel enuff.. so every time i walked my dog past his i would fill my pocket with grass seed and throw a hand full on his gravel drive.. now its a lovly mix of stone and grass :lol:

I dont believe in causing damage to peoples property but if they have caused you hell or damage then they only deserve it back! :twisted:

Get ur storys up!
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Post by streaker »

Hotel in Dominican,

We were delayed 24hrs so they shipped us to the next door hotel which was 2 stars higher. The staff were snobs and we got a bad room, bed broken, window overlooking flat roof twith AC units running, smelly and noisy.

So on the way out I managed to pull the water pipe off the sink leaveing it flooding out :evil:

Post by Jeffro »

Well in terms of done to me, ex girlfriend went onto various forums I'm on (under my username as it was saved on her computer), posted pics of my cock, told everyone I'd given her clymidia (which I hadnt), generally some very viscious stuff said!

It didnt work out how she wanted though, turned into quite a big joke and we all had a chuckle about it :lol: 8)

Still - this resulted in me posting up various 'home videos' of her .. :lol: mwahaha
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Post by sonnyd14a1 »

Jeffro wrote:'home videos'
Hmmm well you never posted any on here :wink: ... :lol:
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Post by widowmaker »

I am not posting mine, i dont fancy a stretch on the stony lonesome :wink:
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Post by bucks420 »

oh revenge is sweet :twisted: .
after many confrontations with the c**t over the road it was starting to get boring which dont happen often. after this and that decided enough was enough. he has 2 very big locks on his garage which are bolted to the floor. put a needle in both locks and superglued them in, and the desired affect was achieved. he was out there 6 hours grinding dem bad boys, chalk it up :lol. what made it beter is that is the only way in :P .

Post by Jeffro »

Thats class ^ :lol: :lol: 8)
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Post by Marc_EE9 »

no one dares feck with me, so need to dish anything out hahaha

but i do think like that, and would think of a real clever come back!
streaker wrote:Hotel in Dominican,

We were delayed 24hrs so they shipped us to the next door hotel which was 2 stars higher. The staff were snobs and we got a bad room, bed broken, window overlooking flat roof twith AC units running, smelly and noisy.
that happened to my parents at xmas. they went to jamaica, but diverted to domincan
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