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Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:13 pm
by TG1
I've always thought the styles we pretty similar tbh, just on different cars,

Does anyone feel like pointing out the differences?

And would oem+ work on a civic or jdm style on a golf?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:17 pm
by browndk04
Sorry might sound silly but by oem+ do you mean the uber smooth euro cars? :oops:

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:42 pm
Neither, you should just create your own style, not follow a trend.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:31 pm
by fasterfasterfaster
original engine manufacturer/japanese domestic market??

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:18 pm
by Tahir
I love bits the Japs make, after all they made our cars.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:46 pm
by EE9 CVC
I just go with whatever I like, I couldn't give a rats A$$ about JDM or all that, all that matters is that I like it. I'm building the car for me, not for anyone else.

But I suppose there is a certain style to our cars what with them being jap and trying to style it using mods meant for something like a VW would look wrong.

Doing jap syle mods on a Golf is just pure wrong, German cars should be Euro style.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:45 am
by dida4g
WELLZ wrote:Neither, you should just create your own style, not follow a trend.
What he said.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:41 am
by Optimus
EE9 CVC wrote:I couldn't give a rats A$$ about JDM or all that

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:06 am
by Marc_EE9
i dont understand.... OEM is JDM, unless you mean aftermarket parts?

i want an siR, but cant afford it, so i bought the bumper and spoiler instead lol

i just buy parts i like/want. does anyone buy parts just to show off, please others? god help you if you do :lol:


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:34 pm
by Tahir
I bought my car to show off :D

thats a joke btw

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:43 pm
by TG1
i don't mean a evo spoiler or impreza bonnet vent on a mk4 golf. :roll:

I meant jap spec bumpers for either (sir on vt or golf with smaller number plate recess'd bumper, stubby mirrors,

And as for not doing euro mods on a jap car, What about smoothed locks, smoothed bays, tyre stretch dewipered etc.

@ ee9 cvc, I don't want a "euro" golf i was just looking for something not the norm, as every tom dick and harry has a anniversary/r32 kit/bbs' (granted the only reason i wouldn't have a set of bbs ch's/rc's is because i'm too poor :oops: ) Something familiar with a twist would be nice

And as both the styles are so similar, why do people hate/slate the other brands? I find most honda chaps would not consider anything else to be a good car/ as well engineered? And Same with the vw chaps and having "quality" and "class"

And lastly would you ever consider swapping teams so to speak or are you all hardcore honda boys? (think i might be able to guess)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:43 pm
by EE9 CVC
i don't mean a evo spoiler or impreza bonnet vent on a mk4 golf. :roll:
I know you don't mean that, I was meaning Jap style mods, like a Jap can exhaust, jap style wheels, etc. on a German car.

And as for not doing euro mods on a jap car, What about smoothed locks, smoothed bays, tyre stretch dewipered etc.
IMO smoothed can work on a jap car as long you don't take it too far, whereas WV can look great with everything smoothed.

Smoothed bays imo is a universal thing and not applied to just one car type.

Tyre stretch imo doesn't work on jap cars (bar some of the oldies like the KGC10 (aka Hakosuka) but looks great on most German cars.

And as both the styles are so similar, why do people hate/slate the other brands? I find most honda chaps would not consider anything else to be a good car/ as well engineered? And Same with the vw chaps and having "quality" and "class"
I gernerally will not slate another car, but the fact is that there are brands out there which just aren't as good for different reasons.

And lastly would you ever consider swapping teams so to speak or are you all hardcore honda boys? (think i might be able to guess)
I do love Hondas but probably won't own another one bar perhaps another 4G or CRX.

I happen to like MK2 Golfs, MK2 Escorts and older stuff like that, but my next car will probably be a Nissan.

It will be hard to find a car as reliable as my Honda though, I've hard her for just over two years now and nothing has ever broken on it. And Jap cars are definitly more reliable than most, I have mates with BMs which broke a lot and Corsa's (I hate them) that end up not even being able to make it up hills. :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:11 pm
by TG1
yeah for the reliability it has to be jap all day,

as for the wheels aren't work jap? i'd have some of those please

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:54 pm
by NickD
I've got a lot of time for other brands.

In terms of old school stuff, I love old Fords Mk1 & 2 Escorts, Mk 1& 2 Fiestas and 3 door Cossies especially, Golfs are great, but not as reliable as you would think, E30, E21, E28 BMWs are all really cool too. I've got a soft spot for the 80's Corollas too, both rwd and fwd, as well as the FC RX7.

In general I just like good, clean, fast cars. Generally retro ones.