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Venting Some Steam....

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:37 pm
by Craig G
Ok I have just had a bad few hours.

Went and picked my son up to go and see my parents. Popped into town to draw a tenner out. Parked up in a huge space between a Peugeot and a Pajero.

Left my son in the car while I went to the cash point next to the passenger side of the car. Drew my money out walked back towards the car as the Pajero begins to back up. He gets closer to my bumper then too close so I start to shout WOOOOOOO! Scrape crunch too F'kin late. F'in twatin idiot!

My nicely polished bonnet, rust free T-Bar and Mint GL bumper are now proper fooked!

Pics not for the faint hearted I still feel sick :( and proper pissed off!



He is insured but my fear is they will write her off. What do you guys think? Anyone got any experience with this?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:24 pm
by jimbob

tbh, theyll write it off, im in the process of buyin a 16i with very simler damge thats been written off,

your boy ok??

if u got the chaps details, see if he just pay for it,

1, itl save his ncb, not that u owe him fuk all
2, you could get parts cheap and still keep her!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:46 pm
by Craig G
Yeah my boy is fine. It was such a ridiculously stupid accident, all it would have taken was some better observation and it could've been easily avoided. Mirrors are there for a reason and tbh he should've seen the car there before he stepped in his car to drive away.

I've approached him in the hope he'd pay for the repair so I can keep her but no joy. He has said he has no money in the bank so it will have to be insurance.

Looks like a long drawn out process of insurance writting it off then me buying her back to repair her. :roll:

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:49 pm
by firemansam38
^ agreed, i think marc has that bar that sits infront of the radiator and that holds the bonnet down (can't remember its name) for sale easy fix but im pretty sure they will write it off for that just get some cash off him i sure hell be up for it as jim said will save his ncb

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:51 pm
by Marc_EE9
jimbob wrote:noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

tbh, theyll write it off, im in the process of buyin a 16i with very simler damge thats been written off,

your boy ok??

if u got the chaps details, see if he just pay for it,

1, itl save his ncb, not that u owe him fuk all
2, you could get parts cheap and still keep her!!!

they will write it off most properly as a bonnet is around 150 new, a bumper 50, t-bar & filler bar 100+, which is 300, and i guess thats more than you paid for it??

i have a black t-bar, send me a PM ;)

hope you can get the rest sorted mate!!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:54 pm
by Craig G
I'll ring the insurance 2moro and see what they have to say, i've spent so much time and effort on it getting it to look as good as it does. I'd be gutted to loose her now. I want the engine for the Shuttle if nothing else!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:55 pm
by Marc_EE9
Craig G wrote:I'll ring the insurance 2moro and see what they have to say, i've spent so much time and effort on it getting it to look as good as it does. I'd be gutted to loose her now. I want the engine for the Shuttle if nothing else!
if you claim you wont be able to take anything off really. as soon as you mention it to the insurance company, they will properly file it as a claim mate.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:03 pm
by robrex
really sorry to hear this mate!

speak to the guys in my wanted thread. couple of bonnets you could get.


Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:03 pm
by tobiasnugent
depending on how much its going to cost to get it fixed may well consider just paying it ? Sim so you done so much effort on her etc. Would be a shame to waste it buying it back of insurance etc may end up costing more then just repairing it ?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:22 pm
by nominous
Lots of threads on crx-uk about this but in a nutsheel.
You ring HIS insurance company.
You deal with them.
You do not give them your details.
You get quotes, you tell them it's going to cost xyz to sort out your car.
You do not settle.
You do not let their assessor look at it.

Play hard ball and win.

If they start fscking you around, ask for the hire car and mention your son's whiplash and emotional trauma.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:30 pm
by jimbob
nominous wrote:Lots of threads on crx-uk about this but in a nutsheel.
You ring HIS insurance company.
You deal with them.
You do not give them your details.
You get quotes, you tell them it's going to cost xyz to sort out your car.
You do not settle.
You do not let their assessor look at it.

Play hard ball and win.

If they start fscking you around, ask for the hire car and mention your son's whiplash and emotional trauma.


Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:18 pm
by Tahir

The guy (Dave) speaks the truth.

Their is absolutely no reason your insurance company needs to know anything about it.

Hope it goes well for you mate, glad your son is ok.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:46 pm
by Craig G
nominous wrote:Lots of threads on crx-uk about this but in a nutsheel.
You ring HIS insurance company.
You deal with them.
You do not give them your details.
You get quotes, you tell them it's going to cost xyz to sort out your car.
You do not settle.
You do not let their assessor look at it.

Play hard ball and win.

If they start fscking you around, ask for the hire car and mention your son's whiplash and emotional trauma.
Cheers Dave. Sounds like a plan.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:22 pm
by Rich4thGen
nominous wrote:Lots of threads on crx-uk about this but in a nutsheel.
You ring HIS insurance company.
You deal with them.
You do not give them your details.
You get quotes, you tell them it's going to cost xyz to sort out your car.
You do not settle.
You do not let their assessor look at it.

Play hard ball and win.

If they start fscking you around, ask for the hire car and mention your son's whiplash and emotional trauma.
Really sorry to see that Craig.

That is some spot on advice from nominous though :top:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:23 am
by widowmaker

Sorry to hear about this 'incident', i am sure that between all the guys on the forum we can sort the bits you need to save it from the crusher. I for one will let you have any bits i have for free after all you do for the forum how could we charge you :shock: