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Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:47 am
by Craig G
widowmaker wrote:Craig

Sorry to hear about this 'incident', i am sure that between all the guys on the forum we can sort the bits you need to save it from the crusher. I for one will let you have any bits i have for free after all you do for the forum how could we charge you :shock:
Ed you're a gent and I appreciate the PM. I'll definately be in touch.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:07 am
by Marc_EE9
widowmaker wrote:I for one will let you have any bits i have for free after all you do for the forum how could we charge you :shock:

goes without saying i think.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:33 am
by Craig G
Ok here's what I have done....

I rang the MY insurer (Sainsbury's) and told them the situation without giving them my name, details or policy number...

I enquired with "Just to see how I stand, I have been involved in an accident where somone has reversed into me whilst parked and I was not even in the vehicle at the time, although I witnessed the whole thing as I was standing by the car.

I know that if you (Sainsbury's) go to Honda for a quote for parts and a respray cost and the labour it will reach more than the cars book price but to me the car is worth more than that.

I asked, If I was to source the parts second hand cheaply (which is where all the great offers from a few members on here come into play) can I just claim for front end parts respray and I will fit everything myself.

They have agreed to this Hoorah, and I get a hire car so I can use this to drive about to pick bits and pieces up. I tihnk I have most parts covered between Widowmaker and Chapman. I will post up any wanteds that may crop up during project - "Fix It Before JAE"

Cheers for everyones advice, offers of help and for parts both cheap or FOC it's really appreciated.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:47 am
by jimbob
good news craig!! :top:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:03 am
by example91
yup thats good news buddy! :D .

does anyone know what the estimated book price is of a GL, 16v and VT is. i know its based around condition etc so lets so average condition.

Just saying as i got £1500 from my insurance when i wrote off my 16 CRX :shock: .

Also i think this info would be useful for those in similar situations.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:24 am
by Chapman
book price is £400 for a gl , but i spoke to insurance guy when mine was written off , he said the book price is for later civic (eg shape) as the 4th gens aint listed anymore :S

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:28 am
by Gizmo
Mines Valued at £800 from the AA :shock:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:56 am
by Marc_EE9
Gizmo wrote:Mines Valued at £800 from the AA :shock:
i cant find any EE/EF's on AA's car valuation...
its all EG/EK...

Parkers have them listed, but you need to be a registered paying member to view prices :(

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:58 am
by Gizmo
when i got my qoute, they could only insure cars that were a minimum £800 in valuation, i said "Make it £800 then" :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:55 pm
by Rich4thGen
Thats great news Craig!

I've insured my vt for £3k! Doubt I'd get half that if I had a prang though :?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:11 pm
by widowmaker
Agreed value is the way to go

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:24 pm
by NickD
Gizmo wrote:when i got my qoute, they could only insure cars that were a minimum £800 in valuation, i said "Make it £800 then" :lol:
It may be insured for £800, but that isn't what they'd value it at.

I've heard of £3500 VTs getting valued after an accident at under £1k

You have to play hardball with these companies.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:30 pm
by Marc_EE9
NickD wrote:
Gizmo wrote:when i got my qoute, they could only insure cars that were a minimum £800 in valuation, i said "Make it £800 then" :lol:
It may be insured for £800, but that isn't what they'd value it at.

I've heard of £3500 VTs getting valued after an accident at under £1k

You have to play hardball with these companies.
very true

my previous car i only got £1600 for at the start, but i got an extra £500 after i complained serverly! but for that car at the time it was worth £3k.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:23 am
by nominous
Argh, Craig man. :(
You spoke to your insurance company then and got them to give you a hire car.
The ball is now in their court in so far as what they'll pay out etc.

It'll probably go ok, but the idea of using the other person's company is that you are in control.
Everyday you have a hire car it's costing your company money and one the hand they are thinking up a nice bill to charge but they are also going to want to settle it fast and move on to keep he books nice.

It's faster to write your car off and more profitable for them for it to be recovered, stored etc all at the other guy's expense.

When you deal direct, you are dictating the terms and can drag it out for a long time costing them more time and money.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:53 am
by Craig G
I am still at a decision making stage...

I have both insurance companies want to do things.

My insurer, Sainsbury's, want me to get the car to their repair man so he can price it up (no doubt using Honda parts and write it off). I have told them I do not want this to happen. I have gone to a local bodyshop who I have used before and asked them to quote on a bonnet respray. I need about £150 to buy the bulk of the parts I need from an already polar white GL that is being broken and to get a bonnet off of Chapman.

I have since spoken to the other insurance company, Norwich and Peterborough, who have told me their man has accepted liability and they want to help to sort things out. They want to send an accessor over to inspect the damage to make sure I do not overprice things FFS!

I just want to tell them all to F off and sort it myself! Fully Comp and for what reason. Inusurance is a con.